На русском: Каждый день я встаю в 6:30. Затем я завтракаю. В 8:05 я выхожу из дома и иду в школу. Занятия начинаются в 8:30. У меня обычно 6,7 уроков. После уроков я иду домой и обедаю. В 16:00 я начинаю делать уроки. В 23:00 я ложусь спать.На английском:Every day I get up at 6.30. Then I have breakfast. At 8:05 I leave the house and go to school. Classes begin at 8:30 am. I usually 6,7 lessons. After school I go home and have dinner. At 16:00 I begin to do my homework. At 23:00 I go to bed.
I wake up at seven at o 'clock in the morning. I wash my face,clean teeth,do morning exercis and dress. At half past seven I have my breakfast.Then I go to school. After school I have lunch and i do homework. At five o'clock I help my parents or read books.After that I have supper and go to bed. я просыпаюсь в 7 часов утра. Умываюсь,чищу зубы ,делаю утреннюю зарядку и одеваюсь.В 7,30 я завтракаю.Потом я иду в школу.После школы я обедаю и делаю уроки.В 5 часов я помагаю родителям и читаю книги. Потом я ужинаю и ложусь спать.
1. I am very glad that you invited me for the evening. 2. He smiled,when saw the friend. 3. It is a pity that you don't want to join us. 4. He says that doesn't remember many details of the novel as read it in the childhood. 5. This book is already not present in shops. It is a pity that I didn't buy it last week. 6. He is fond of chemistry? – Yes, he became interested in this subject in school. 7. You didn't come behind the book yesterday, and today I already don't have it. 8. It remained in hotel as it was hurt by the head, and we went to sight-see the city. 9. I become angry about you as yesterday you were very inattentive. 10. Our library supplies students with all necessary books.
1) Trainers train animals, don't they...? 2) Acrobats can jump well, can't they... ? 3) Yesterday clowns played tricks, didn't they... ? 4) You won't go to the circus tomorrow, will you... ? 5) They didn't play music, did they... ? Write it in Englih . 1) наездница - a horsewoman 2) дрессировщик - a trainer 3) музыкант - a musician 4) жонглёр - a juggler 5) дрессированный - trained/tamed 6) акробат - an acrobat 7) цирк - a circus 8) зрители - spectators 9) выступать перед зрителями - to perform in front of the spectators 10) арена - an arena / a stage