Once upon a time there was a little girl whose name was Ann she was very kind and beautiful,once little Ann have decided to visit her grandfather who lived in the forest.So she has picked up some flowers and mushrooms for her grandfather and went to the forest.But, unfortunately she met a big wolf with very ill teeth in the forest which was going to eat her up and instead of running away from the wolf Ann helped him to cure his teeth, after which the wolf let the little girl go.And in that day wolf has realised that kindness is able to cure everything illness, pain and even anger.
1. Concrete is the main building material. Цемент - это основной строительный материал. 2. The plant doesn't produce more than 500 units of finished products a month. Растение не производит больше 500 единиц готового продукта в месяц. 3. Why do enterprises install solar panels? Почему предприятия устанавливают солнечные панели (батареи)? 4. Iron rust is in contact with air and water. Железная ржавчина вступает в контакт с воздухом и водой. 5. The machine wasn't working because the transmission system was out of order. Машина не работала, потому что система передачи вышла из строя.
New Year is my favourite holiday! We celebrate it on the 31st of December. This year I celebrated New Year with my lovely family. On New Year Eve we bought a New Year tree and decorated it with coloured balls and bright lights. We bought presents for our friends and relatives. My mother and I cooked a great holiday supper. We made tasty salads, chicken, potatoes and mushrooms. We made a holiday cake, too. We bought a lot of fruit and sweets. There are very delicious! We decorated our house with flakes and toys and put beautiful candles on the fireplace. We put a nice tablecloth, place and cups on the table. Our guests came to visit us in the evening. They gave me wonderful presents. My aunt gave me a teddy bear as a present. My uncle`s present for me was a beautiful doll.