Dasha is afraid of spiders __and__ mice.
Maxim is not afraid of mice __but__ he doesn't like them. He is not afraid of spiders _because_ they are very small.
Про друга: My friend is nice, clever and hard-working, but I call her/him a 'tortoise' because he/she is very slow.
Даша боится пауков и мышей.
Максим не боится мышей, но они ему не нравятся. Он не боится пауков, потому что они очень маленькие.
Про друга: мой друг хороший, умный и трудолюбивый, но я зову его 'черепашкой', потому что он очень медлительный.
I live in a large 26 storey house. We have a friendly home, many friends who are my age. We have a neighbor, that screams at night and doesn't sleep. We have another house next door that is built just like our (но по-моему правильней будет ours). My friend lives there. There is a store near my house «SMALL». My dad and I have been going to the store and buying food for more than 5 years. Also, there is a store next to the house that was built not long ago. We go there very rarely. Near our house there is an old night club that is being converted into a residential complex. I sometimes go to this club when there are no people.
many notebooks
not much of chalk
much water
not many children
much meat
little snow
much work
not many newspapers
many machines
many friends
few friends
much tea
few part
little light
few paper
few houses
few salt
much milk