Cold- colder-the coldest
Expensive- more expensive- the most expensive
Young- younger- the youngest
Big - bigger - the biggest
Comfortable- more comfortable- the most comfortable
Interesting- more interesting- the most interesting
Little - less- the least
Bad- worse- the worst
Easy- easier- the easiest
New- newer- the newest
1. found
2 will spend
3 send
4 lived , kept
5 makes
1. Is playing
2. Is
2. were having
1 has washed
2 came
3 hasn't become
1. She can stay up late on Friday
В пятницу она может остаться допоздна
When can she stay up late?
2. Bob and Ella are good at dancing.
Боб и Элла хорошо танцуют
What are Bob and Ella good at?
3. I watched an old black and white film last week.
На неделе я смотрел старое черно белое кино
When did you watch an old black and white film?
4. They were at a restaurant with their friends.
Они были в ресторане со своими друзьями
Where were they with their friends?
5. Our friend was cooking fish
Наш друг готовил рыбу
What was our friend cooking?
6. They were playing basketball the whole evening yesterday.
Вчера целый вечер они играли в баскетбол
What were they doing the whole evening yesterday?
1 Who enjoys skiing?
2 Who prefer skating?
The organization was established on September 13, 1990 at the 10th Republican Pioneer Meeting. On this day, the Charter, the motto and laws of Belarusian pioneers were adopted.
The Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization is an amateur, voluntary public association of children, adolescents and adults, which represents and protects the interests and rights of its members. Oktyabrenok is a member of the organization. New to pioneer affairs, ready to accept and continue the traditions and history of Pioneer. Reception in the organization of primary schoolchildren is held in a festive atmosphere in which friendship is held simultaneously with the ritual assignment of the title of "October".