I`ve watched you now a full half-hour; self-poised upon that yellow flower and, little butterfly! indeed i know not if you sleep or feed. 1. какое время употреблено в предложении “i`ve watched you …” a. present perfect b. past simple
1. Shop assistant want me to pay by card - продавец хочет , чтобы я заплатил картой 2. Alice would like her mother to try a dress on - Элис хотела бы, чтобы ее мать примерила платье 3. Her parents want Ann not to come so late - Ее родители хотят , чтобы Энн не приходила так поздно 4. They expect Jack to invite them to their house - Они ждут , что Джек пригласить их домой 5. Our teacher expect us to make a report - Наш учитель ожидает , что мы сделаем доклад 6. Her brother not want Jane to start dieting - Ее брат не хочет, чтобы Джейн начала сидеть на диете 7. A guide would like her to pay attention to the picture - Гид хотел бы , чтобы она обратила внимание на картину 8. Our parents expect my sister to go to university- Наши родители хотят , чтобы моя сестра поступила в университет
1. He has forgotten his French since he left Paris. 2. Years ago he was very poor, and didn`t know how to live. 3. I can reach my work easily now, as I have bought a new car. 4. The man you see there is the man to whom I have lended the money. -When did you lend it to him? - I did it yesterday. 5. What did you do last night? 6. I got a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I haven`t answered it yet. 7. It’s the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. When and where did you buy it? 8. I haven`t seen you for ages! 9. When did you buy this wonderful ring? – Three months ago. 10. – What has happened to the fridge?