1- There is an UNEQUAL chance for the employers who are registered in this company. 2- The formula you wrote EQUALS the results we expected. 3- Our neighborhood , he is AN OWNER of two big car gallery exhibitions. 4- He own me some money.
Powerful earthquakes shook the Central and East Japan on Saturday evening, having killed 18 people, in prefecture Niigata, wounds were got by about 900 people, having destroyed some buildings and causing "train bullet" to derail, both the government, and police, officials.Initial temblor that struck in 5:56 evenings. It is registered top 6 on a 7-mark Japanese scale in Ojiya, prefecture Niigata, aftershok follow a scale of meteorological agency told. He warned that further powerful pushes.At 6 o'clock in the evening, the government founded accidents of task force by the prime minister of the official residence.In Tokamachi, prefecture Niigata, the person in his 30th years died after that, buried under fragments of a wall which failed in restaurant. From 50 to 60 people were wounded allowed to Niigata Prefectural Tokamachi of hospital, officials of local government.In Ojiya, one person was to the confirmed data, were killed in accident. At home I failed also the landslide provoked by quake a number of cars is buried. About 30 victims were is urgently taken to local hospital. Police officers rushed an incident landslide for rescue of the people who appeared in the car, trying to confirm if someone to the house failed from them was wounded.Ojiya municipal authorities can't confirm at once the extent of damage as many roads in the city were damaged, according to national government officials.Fire of defensive department the message arrived that some people were alive buried in Kawaguchi, and tries to confirm information, according to officials.In Nagaoka, the fire flashed to three houses, municipal officials, etc. One of the fires it is already extinguished. The local firefighter of office of ambulance goes in 20 places to transport inhabitants suffered.Two cars in 10 - the car - the long train bullet, currents No. 325 superexpress that at the left Tokyo, Niigata, derailed between Urasa and Naganoka of station on Joetsu Shinkansen of the line and is in a motionless state, the operator East Japan Railway Co. I told. However, the train don't fall as it was delay in the direction of Nagaoka of the station, and any of 150 passengers or crew members was wounded in accidents. In total highways in prefecture Niigata were closed. Power supply was completely suspended, at least, about 250 000 house farms in extensive areas of prefecture Niigata, including Ojiya and Kasivadzaki.Focus of an earthquake which is estimated in 6,8 on open for the Richter scale, was approximately in 20 kilometers underground in the central prefecture Niigata.In temblor aftershok three of which are registered top 6 in some areas of prefecture Niigata followed. (It is made according to "Mainiti" and "a wire reports, Japan
2- The formula you wrote EQUALS the results we expected.
3- Our neighborhood , he is AN OWNER of two big car gallery exhibitions.
4- He own me some money.