1) я хожу в музыкальную школу с тек пор как мне испольнилось 7 лет 2)я читаю книгу в течении 2 дней п 3)я играю на синтезаторе в течении 6 лет 4)я изучаю с тех пор как пошла в 4 класс переведите на язык чтобы предложение было present perfect заранее
- th/ty (от прилагательных образуются существительные с тем же значением) : true – truth (правдивый – правда) , probable – probability (возможный – возможность) .
- ing (пример, действие) : to cook – cooking (готовить – приготовление) .
- ment (результат действия от глаголов) : to develop – development (развивать – развитие) .
There can be many reasons why people learn foreign languages.some people learn foreign languages because they want to be enrolled at a prestigious university.also knowledge of foreign language gives some opportunities.for example,you can read and watch films in original or communicate with foreigners.when you learn languages you develop your skills and outlook.moreover,these knowledge can help you realize your dreams and wishes,for example you can travel abroad..besides,if you want to make a successful career,you need in knowledge of foreign languages,because the people who have these knowledge,they have an advantage over other people
I have gone to music school since I was 7
I have read the book for 2 days
I have played composer for 6 years
I have studied English since i was in 4th form