Orenburg is the administrative center of Orenburg region. – Оренбург – административный центр Оренбургской области.
It is situated on the river Ural. – Он расположен на реке Урал.
It was founded in 1743 as a fortress. – Он был построен в 1743 году как крепость.
Orenburg is known as the Steppe Capital of Russia. — Оренбург известен как степная столица России.
The largest companies are Gazprom and Orenburgneft. – Газпром и Оренбургнефть являются крупнейшими компаниями.
There are many museums in Orenburg. One of the most interesting is Memorial Apartment of the Gagarins where you can learn more about life of the first cosmonaut. – В Оренбурге много музеев. Один из самых интересных – музей-квартира Гагариных, где можно узнать о жизни первого космонавта.
The place tourists always want to visit is the monument to Chkalov, standing next to pedestrian bridge between Europe and Asia. – Место, которое охотно посещают туристы – памятник Чкалову, стоящий около пешеходного моста между Европой и Азией.
The Monument to Pushkin and Dal is also worth visiting, as well as cultural complex National Village. – Стоит также посетить памятник Пушкину и Далю, а также культурный комплекс «Национальная деревня».
This is a story of how two met opinions.A patient had one opinion?a surgeon another one. It was very difficult operation and the patient was nervous. He had sick heart. But he wanted a metallic heart. He believed that it is safe and it never wears out. The surgeon understood that it is wrong decision. The surgeon was for life without metal interference and he couldn't imagine a world in which human are made of half-metal. He tried tell the patient out, but the patient insisted on his opinion. The surgeon was the best. Everyone wanted go under a knife to him. When Metallos became citizens, people began to envy them. But Metallos conversely envied people. Metallos wanted feel and people wanted do unusual things as Metallos do. . I’m sure that hybrids of humans and robots can appear in future. The world does not stand. Every day it develops. Scientists create that something new and sometimes this things is not understand for people. Even now use metal products, replacing the live leg or arm or even the heart. This story teaches us that every person must has his opinion and decision.
Я подправила тебе артикли,в первых предложениях. Артикль а ставим когда говорим о предмете(без разницы живой или не живой предмет) впервые ,а the когда повторно упоминаем об этом предмете .
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