You can see a lot of delicious and healthy food in my refrigerator. On the lowest shelf is milk, some butter and ketchup. The boxes contain a lot of vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes. At the very top are sausages, eggs, and so on.
В моём холодильнике можно увидеть множество вкусной и полезной еды. На самой нижней полке стоит молоко, немного масла и кетчуп. В ящиках лежит много овощей, например огурцы, помидоры и картошка. На самом верху лежат сосиски, яйца и так далее.
He will prepare fried eggs for breakfast tomorrow.
1) Will he prepare fried eggs for breakfast tomorrow?
2) Who will prepare fried eggs for breakfast tomorrow?
3) He will prepare fried eggs for breakfast tomorrow, won't he?
4) What will he prepare for breakfast tomorrow?
5) Will he prepare fried eggs for breakfast or lunch tomorrow?
The telephone is ringing now.
1) Is the telephone ringing now?
2) The telephone is ringing now, isn't it?
3) What is ringing now?
4) Is the telephone or the alarm-clock ringing now?
5) What is the telephone doing now?
We usually go to the seaside in summer.
1) Do we usually go to the seaside in summer?
2) We usually go to the seaside in summer, don't we?
3) Who usually goes to the seaside in summer?
4) Do we usually go to the seaside in summer or autumn?
5) Where do we usually go in summer?