1. I wake up in the morning at 7 am. - Я просыпаюсь в семь часов утра. 2. I take a shower and brush my teeth. - Я принимаю душ и чищу зубы. 3. I have breakfast and go to school. - я ем завтрак и иду в школу. 4. I have about 7 lessons every day. - У меня примерно 7 уроков каждый день 5. After school I go and do sports. - после школы я делаю спорт 6. At about 6 pm I return home. - примерно в 6 часов я возращаюсь домой. 7. I have dinner with my family and play with my pets. - я ем ужин с моей семьёй и играю с домшними животными. 8. I do homework for the upcoming day. - я делаю уроки на следующий день 9. I watch a little bit of TV before going to bed. - я немного смотрю телевизора перед тем как идти спать 10. I go to bed at about 11 pm. - я иду спать примерно в 11.
В Москве большое население и больше дорог. Валуцки находятся возле Украины а значит отличаться акцент и манера разговора. Поскольку в Москве больше транспорта то и воздух более заряженный и это плохо для крови. Но в валуйках меньше работы и развлечений
Moscow and Valuiki In Moscow, a large population and more roads. Valutsky is near Ukraine, which means that the accent and manner of speaking differ. Since there is more traffic in Moscow, air is more charged and it's bad for blood. But there is less work and entertainment in the ranks ...
Winter Holidays Do you like the winter holidays? Well I do many people enjoy the winter holidays for different reasons. I enjoy the winter holidays because there is no school, you can spend time with your family and you can enjoy the winter season. First of all, you have no stress. You could spend your time playing video games and sports. We also don’t have homework which means we have more free time. We have no school that means we don’t have to be in classes that we don’t enjoy. During the winter holidays anther great thing is that we get to spend time with family. We also get the chance to travel with your family and visit places like New York, Los Angeles, and Quebec. Also one of the great things we get to do is that we get to spend time with your siblings by playing video games and other actives. Lastly, we get to enjoy the winter seasons by playing in the snow, making snow man, making snow angles. Another great thing about the winter season is that we get to drink hot chocolate and eat marshmallows
2. I take a shower and brush my teeth. - Я принимаю душ и чищу зубы.
3. I have breakfast and go to school. - я ем завтрак и иду в школу.
4. I have about 7 lessons every day. - У меня примерно 7 уроков каждый день
5. After school I go and do sports. - после школы я делаю спорт
6. At about 6 pm I return home. - примерно в 6 часов я возращаюсь домой.
7. I have dinner with my family and play with my pets. - я ем ужин с моей семьёй и играю с домшними животными.
8. I do homework for the upcoming day. - я делаю уроки на следующий день
9. I watch a little bit of TV before going to bed. - я немного смотрю телевизора перед тем как идти спать
10. I go to bed at about 11 pm. - я иду спать примерно в 11.