Ex 1
Domestic: Wild: Pet:
sheep (овца) bear (медведь) hamster (хомяк)
horse (лошадь) eagle (орел) rabbit (кролик)
cow (корова) elephant (слон)
duck (утка) chimpanzee (шимпанзе)
chicken (курица) fox (лиса)
squirrel (белка)
Ex 2
trout (форель) bull (бык)
1. eyes (глаза) 1. horns (рога)
2. tail (хвост) 2. ears (уши)
3. scales (чешуя) 3. fur (мех, шерсть)
4. fin (плавник) 4. body (тело)
5. mouth (рот) 5. hooves (копыта)
6. legs (ноги)
parrot (попугай)
1. beak (клюв)
2. head (голова)
3. wings (крылья)
4. claws (когти)
5. feathers (перья)
1) If Caroline and Sue prepare the salad, Phil will decorate the house.
2) If Sue cuts the onions for the salad, Caroline will peel the mushrooms.
3) Jane will hoover the sitting room if Aaron and Tim move the furniture.
4) If Bob tidies up the kitchen, Anita will clean the toilet.
5) Elaine will buy the drinks if somebody helps her carry the bottles.
6) If Alan and Rebecca organize the food, Maryand Conor will make the sandwiches.
If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. (i)
If I do this test, I will improve my English. (i)
If I find your ring, I will give it back to you. (i)
Peggy will go shopping if she has time in the afternoon. (i)
Simon will go to London next week if he gets a cheap flight. (i)
If her boyfriend does not phone today, she will leave him. (i)
If they do not study harder, they will not pass the exam. (i)
If it rains tomorrow, I will not have to water the plants. (i)
You will not be able to sleep if you watch this scary film. (i)
Susan cannot move into the new house if it is not ready on time