Much has changed in the world today. And childrens not the same as before.Today teens are more independent and they have other interests.So they are definitely lazier than before.Computer and internet are the root of more changers in the sotiety.Many teens spend their time online in our telepfones or tablets.They are playing computer games,chating with friends, surfin their networks and others. Modern children can not imagine their life without tellephones,tablets and MP3 plaers. All this replaced tham those toys whous where in childhood.From the one hand, it is certainly not good. Many childrens now more luckier than other generations for heaving the freedom of choise and life full of posibilities.They find many answes of dificult problems in internet without disturbing their parents.Now chidren more independent and it is not bad.
Дети-наше будущее.Оно зависит от того как мы воспитываем будущее поколение. Был один мужчина.Он приходит к пророку и говорит-"У меня есть сын с ужасным характером.Как мне его перевоспитать?"Пророк спросил-"Сколько ему лет?" Мужчина ответил-"Ему семь лет"Пророк ответил-"Ты опоздал на целых семь лет."
Children are our future. It depends on how we educate the future generation. There was one man. He comes to the prophet and says- "I have a son with a terrible character. How can I re-educate him?" The prophet asked, "How old is he?" The man replied, "He is seven years old." The prophet replied, "You're seven years late."