The package is light, very light. In flight, never hand over your travel luggage with a backpack, its hand luggage of about 10 kg should be enough for a trip lasting up to a month. Traveling with a group or partner will be easier and more enjoyable. If you stay alone in the dorms, you'll make friends faster than you think. Say no to a taxi. Use public transport. Don't fall into tourist traps. Keep your wallet in your front pocket. Keep photos of your visa, passport, and other necessary documents in your phone. Buy a power bank. Read travel guides to the cities you visit. Use TripAdvisor and travel like a local. Avoid expensive restaurants and try local food. Don't keep all your money in one place. keep some in your wallet, some in your bag, and some in the back of your mobile phone. Drink responsibly. Don't forget your medication.
Be careful and don't get carried away by the new things you see, don't forget your bag anywhere.
дальше я незнаю
я только написал первое второе ты можешь сам(а) там переводиться как;"что они могут предпринять, чтобы сделать свое путешествие проще/веселее?".
How long did she spend?- Как долго она на это потратила?(времени) Это- (какое то действие)не пишется в предложении,но подразумевается,ответ может быть любым.
-She did spend one hour for shopping
.-She did"t spend a lot of time in loundry.