My Summer Holidays. 1) I like summer holidays most of all. (Больше всего мне нравятся летние каникулы.) 2) You don't have to go to school. (В школу ходить не надо.) 3) No home tasks. (Школьных домашних заданий тоже нет) 4) The weather is usually sunny and hot or warm. (Погода обычно солнечная и жаркая или тёплая.) 5) During my last summer holiday my friends and I often went to the nearest lake to swim or to the river to lie in the sun, to play ball and to have fun. (Во время моих последних каникул, мы с друзьями часто ходили на ближайшее озеро поплавать, или на речку позагорать и поиграть в мяч и повеселиться.) Sometimes we rode our bikes. (Иногда мы катались на велосипедах.) 6) In August my parents and I went to the country to visit my granny - my father's mother. ( В августе мы с родителями ездили в деревню навестить бабушку -папину маму.) 7. Granny has got a wonderful garden (orchard) and we ate a lot of fresh fruit, berries and vegetables there. (У бабушки замечательный сад(фруктовый сад), и мы ели много свежих фруктов, ягод и овощей.) 8. Sometimes we went fishing or gathered mushrooms in the forest. (Иногда мы ходили на рыбалку или собирали грибы в лесу.) 9. In a word, I enjoyed my summer holiday very much. (Словом, мне очень понравились мои летние каникулы -я получил удовольствие от своих летних каникул))
Work as I conducted summer vacations This summer I conducted summer vacations maximally productively and useful. I not simply whole days sat at the computer, television, went simply for a street. I helped the parents on a house. Asked them to assign to me and executed him diligently. In a middle a summer I conducted summer vacations in country for a grandmother and grand-dad. For them I in every way tried to them to help on a house, vegetable garden, economy. Fed a dog, cat, chickens. Tried to behave well and not to do for a grand-dad with a grandmother mood. They by me were satisfied and tried to me in everything to please. Asked, that to buy me and did gifts to me. At the end of summer I conducted summer vacations in a camp in-field at a lake. There very pleased me. Crisp air, beauty of the forest, warm water of lake. In a camp I became acquainted and потоваришував with boys and girls. It was very interestingly in a camp, because every day was gap-filling безліччю events. In the day-time we went for a lake, in the forest, gathered mushrooms. In the evening we looked the animated cartoons or films
Be honest try not to be rude to others.
Be neat.