Internet - a great invention of our time. Like almost everything in our lives, the Internet can carry and use, and harm. They say there is a lot of anecdotal information.Internet - a boundless expanse of information and communication, which is easily lost. Often, I read something useful and interesting and somehow unnoticed was on unfamiliar advertising site where the last half hour reading the gossip like, "scientists have found something in the depths of the earth" ... or hours to rewrite the social networks with friends rather than to meet and go for a walk.Internet is very useful, because it is a huge database and knowledge where you can find any thing you want - from movies and music, which you are interested, a huge number of books, newspapers and magazines, to simple recipes. It helps in learning. There are some very useful sites, such as where to find information in an understandable form all - events, people, things, events.
For dinner when I come home I have vegetable soup. Actually I don’t like soup. But I have to eat it because it’s healthy. But when I come to my granny I can’t stop trying her specialty - borsch or shi. Soup with meat balls that my mom cooks is my favourite. I can also have a salad or fried fish. I usually do not have desserts. Maybe some green or black tea with lemon. На ужин, когда я прихожу домой, у меня есть овощной суп. На самом деле я не люблю суп. Но у меня есть, чтобы съесть его, потому что это здорово. Но когда я пришел к бабушке, я не могу перестать пытаться ее специальность - борщ или Ши. Суп с фрикадельками, что моя мама повара является моим любимым. Я могу также есть салат или жареную рыбу. Я обычно не имеют десерты. Может быть, некоторые зеленый или черный чай с лимоном.