надеюсь я правильно поняла и "глиняная игрушка" это то что я думаю
Clay toys were popular all over the world in in the 5th millennium BC (в 5 тис. до нашої ери) and now it`s a perfect souvenir. Clay is a convenient material (удобный материал) and clay products can stay in perfect condition (чудовий стан) for a long time. At some time it was like money on some terotory, becouse clay was hardreached (важкодоступний) and expensive
Now clay toys or products is like art or large (огромная) culture and you also can do this
2. Am I decorating my room?
3. Are they making a mobile?
4. Is father cooking a Halloween treat?
5. Are we carving a pumpkin?