I am speaking over the telephone. – Я разговариваю по телефону.
She is watching TV now. – Она сейчас смотрит телевизор.
They are walking down the street. – Они спускаются по улице.
She’s working now. – Она сейчас работает.
We’re cleaning the house. – Мы убираем в доме.
I am working now.
Я работаю сейчас.
We are working now.
Мы работаем сейчас.
She is working now.
Она работает сейчас.
I'm preparing lunch now
я сейчас готовлю обед
We're going on vacation now
сейчас мы собираемся в отпуск
I am not playing the guitar now. – Я сейчас не играю на гитаре.
She is not watching TV now. – Она сейчас не смотрит телевизор.
is not = isn’t
Kate isn’t studying at the moment. – Кейт не учится в данный момент.
are not = aren’t
They aren’t talking about it. – Они не разговаривают об этом.
I am not working now
Я сейчас не работаю
I'm not making dinner right now
я сейчас не готовлю ужин
we are not playing now
мы сейчас не играем
They are swimming now
они сейчас плавают
You are not cooking now
I'm running now
Am I speaking over the telephone? – Я разговариваю по телефону?
Is she watching TV now? – Она смотрит сейчас телевизор?
Are they walking down the street? – Они спускаются по улице?
What am I doing now? – Что я сейчас делаю?
What is she watching now? – Что она сейчас смотрит?
Where are they walking? – Где они гуляют?
Am I cooking now?
Are you singing now?
Are we swimming now?
Is she running now?
Объяснение:Martha looked at her watch in a panic. They should have been on their way (0) to the airport by now. “George, it’s time we were (1) going; if we don’t get moving we’re going to miss(2) the flight”. No sooner had she spoken the words than she wished she had(3) kept quiet. She knew George couldn’t bear(4) to be rushed. He had always liked to take(5) his time over everything. “Patience is a virtue”, he was fond (6) of saying and Martha had got used to waiting (7) around for George. “Martha”, came the reply from the bathroom. “I wish (8) you’d stop saying that and get on with the packing”. She had been looking (9) forward to this trip for months and now it was (10) time to set off for the airport and they were far from ready. If (11) only she had listened to Jenny’s advice and chosen a holiday a bit nearer home. She couldn’t bear (12) flying anyway and if they had decided to spend (13) a couple of weeks in the country they would (14) be nicely settled in their little cottage now. It would take over (15) half an hour to get to the airport and then they could expect to find long queues at the check-in counters. It was always the same hassle.