The Story of the Tiger and the Man
Once upon a time there were two Tigers. They lived in a forest and had a large family. They had three sons. When the Father Tiger grew old and weak he sent for his three sons and said to them:
"Oh, my children, listen to me attentively. The Tiger is the Master of the jungle. He walks about at his will and hunts all the other animals. All animals are afraid of him. But there is one animal who is not afraid of him. That animal is Man. He is very clever and very dangerous. You must never try to hunt or kill Man."
The three young Tigers listened to the words of their father and promised to follow his advice.
Однажды, жили-были два Тигра. Жили они в лесу и была у них большая семья. И было у них трое сыновей. Когда их Тигр Отец стал старым и слабым, он послал за своими тремя сыновьями и сказал им следующее:
"Ох, дети мои, послушайте меня внимательно. Тигр - Хозяин джунглей. Он разгуливает по ним по своей воле и охотится на других животных. Все животные боятся его. Но есть одно животное, которое не боится его. И это животное - Человек. Человек очень умён и очень опасен. Вы должны пообещать мне, что никогда не будете охотится и тем более, пытаться убить Человека."
Три маленьких Тигра послушались слов своего отца и пообещали ему следовать его совету.
P.S. Лишние слова: Dangerous (опасный) и Teaches (учит)
Dear Jeff, Thank you for your letter. You asked me about my opinion about sports. I think, doing sports is a really good idea. It is helpful for our health. It is also exciting way of spending time. You can find new people while doing sports. In my opinion, everyone should do sports. There are a lot of kinds of sport. You can choose any of them. I like doing sports, for example, playing volleyball. Here are some questions for you. How often do you watch sport competitions on TV? Which sport is your favourite one? Did you take part in the sport competitions? Write me soon. Your friend, Natasha
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