1 Он сделал это очень хорошо He did it very well
2 Я спал два часа I slept for two hours
3 Я поехал в Италию в месяце I went to Italy last month
4 Мы играли в футбол We played football
5 Ты сделал правильную вещь You did the right thing
6 Мы были на каникулах We were on holiday
7 Она была действительно рассержена She was really angry
8 Мальчики остались дом The boys stayed at home
9 Я пошел в кино вчера вечером I went to the cinema yesterday evening
10 Мы позавтракали час назад We had breakfast an hour ago
2) They bought tickets and travelled all through the night to Calais.
3) They were in time to go on board the ship waiting at the quay.
4) They went straight down to the restaurant for breakfast.
5) They saw that the coast of France was disappearing and ahead were the white cliffs of Dover.
6) They joined the many passengers who were leaning on the rails watching the English coast.
7) It seemed much more exciting than getting off a plane at London Airport.
8) At the entrance to the Customs Office their passports were checked.
9) The officer did not ask them to open their cases and in a minute they were through the gate, on the platform, and seated on the London train.