bad--worse- the worst
good-better- the best
heavy- heavier- the heaviest
clean- cleaner- the cleanest
lazy- lazier- the laziest
deep- deeper- the deepest
kind- kinder- the kindest
wood- wooder- the woodest
sad- sadder- the saddest
quick- quicker- the quickest
warm- warmer- the warmest
2.Вставь пропущенные буквы.
cOmpEti t-i O n, f U t U r E, l AngUA gE, friendship, r e su_lt U nd Erst And,
r E m Emb Er, h E Av y.
1)a hardworking woman- a lazy man
2)a wise king- a follish / stupid/ silly king
3)a correct answer- a wrong answer
4)a knd boy- an angry boy
5)a shouting sister- a silent sister
6)a sunny day- a nasty day
7)a hot summer- a cold/cool summer
8)a slim grandpa- a fat grandpa
9)an easy future- a difficult future
10)a happy daughter- a sad daughter
She wore trainers all the last week, but today she wear high heels.
2. He usually watchs TV every day, but today he read a book.
He read a book every day, but this evening he decided to watch TV.
3. They usually wear blue shirts every Sunday, but today they wear the green ones.
They wore blue shirts last Friday, but now they wear the green ones.
4. We usually go swimmig every Saturday, but today we have a panic.
We usually go swiming every week, but we had a panic the last time.