4. Seva/at the party last night
+ Seva was at the party last night.
- Seva wasn't at the party last night.
Was Seva at the party last night?
5. Larissa and Olga/at the library 2 days ago (2)
+ Larissa and Olga were at the library two days ago.
- Larissa and Olga weren't at the library two days ago.
Were Larissa and Olga at the library two days ago?
Nina/ at the sports centre yesterday (7)
+ Nina was at the sports centre yesterday.
- Nina wasn't at the sports centre yesterday.
Was Nina at the sports centre yesterday?
7 Sonya/at the post office last week (2)
+ Sonya was at the post office last week.
- Sonya wasn't at the post office last week.
Was Sonya at the post office last week?
8. Anton and Dima/in the park yesterday.
+ Anton and Dima were in the park yesterday.
- Anton and Dima weren't in the park yesterday.
Were Anton and Dima in the park yesterday?
9. The children/in London last year.
+ The children were in London last year.
- The children weren't in London last year.
Were the children in London last year?
Наша земля — уникальная планета во вселенной, единственный наш дом. Каждый человек должен заботиться об окружающей среде и не надеяться на другого. Это, как помыть за собой посуду, должно войти в привычку.
Экология Земли с каждым днем страдает сильнее и сильнее. Строятся новые заводы, появляется все больше автомобилей на дорогах, запускаются ракеты и спутники. Это приводит к загрязнению воздуха, глобальному потеплению, таянию ледников, появляются озоновые дыры. Вымирают целые виды животных из-за вырубки лесов, многие водные млекопитающие и рыбы давно находятся под угрозой исчезновения из-за загрязнения водоемов, ведь многие автолюбители экономят на автомойках и моют своих железных коней в природных источниках, используя бытовую химию.
1)I will buy a new flat, if I have more money
2)If the weather was nice, we played football
3)If you was more serious about your homework, you finished it in time
4)If i was live in the country, i haved horse
5)You not visited dentist if you not eaten sweets
6)If my brother finished homework on time, he go for a walk
1 )you must get a visa
2)We need pack too many clothes
3)He should buy a ticket
4)You must check the weather