Обычно я читала пересказы много раз перед сном и мне надеюсь тебе тоже
Как я поняла это сокращённый текст:
Потребовалось много спокойных и мягких убеждений, чтобы заставить
мою рыдающую дочь согласиться пойти со мной к доктору, который
специализируется на расстройствах пищевого поведения. Это было два года
тому назад, и дорога к выздоровлению была долгой и сложной. Сара провела
два месяца в больнице, прежде чем ее вес вернулся к норме, а после этого она
посещала психиатра, который ей справиться с истинными причинами
этой проблемы.
И для меня это тоже было поучительно. Я чувствовала, что очень
виновата в ее болезни - тем не менее, это была моя вина, и это я была плохой
матерью, которая стала причиной таких сильных ее беспокойств, что она начала морить себя голодом. Но мы смогли пройти через все это вместе.
Теперь Сара с нетерпением ждет поступления в университет, к ее щекам
вновь вернулся цвет, и она снова становится той яркой девушкой, какой была
до того, как начался этот страшный кошмар.
А это его перевод:
It took a lot of calm and gentle persuasion to get
my sobbing daughter to agree to go with me to a doctor who
specializes in eating disorders. This was two years
ago, and the road to recovery was long and difficult. Sarah hosted
two months in the hospital before her weight returned to normal, and after that, she
saw a psychiatrist who helped her deal with the true causes
of the problem.
It was also instructive for me. I felt that I was very
much to blame for her illness - nevertheless, it was my fault, and it was I who was the bad
mother who caused her so much anxiety that she began to starve herself. But we were able to get through it all together.
Now Sarah is looking forward to going to University, the color has returned to her cheeks
, and she is once again the bright girl she was
before this terrible nightmare began.
ответ:1. We were shown a very strange picture. 2. You are looking for. Go home. 3. You will be told about all changes in the school curriculum. 4. Why is everyone laughing at him? 5. Children were left at home alone. 6. Next year will not build many new buildings. 7. Everyone is laughing at him. 8. This work will be completed next week? 9. The Institute often thought about it and spoke very well. 10. A response will be sent in a few days. 11. We will meet at the station? 12. This translation should be finished in a few days. 13. in Italy, we will be shown a lot of attractions. 14. have You already been invited to the evening? 15. When the father came home from work, dinner was already cooked. 16. the Letters were left on the table. 17. The boy was not allowed to bathe in the river. 18 – - Where is your brother now? – He was sent to France. 19. He was raised by a sister. 20. When I get home, dinner will begin to cook. 21. this story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was discussed at the literature lesson. 22. What the tutorial you referenced in your report? 23. I thought my brother would buy the groceries. 24. She was listened to inattentively, and soon everything she said was forgotten. 25. Lessons must be prepared