Человек очень любят свой дом. там очень уютно и просторно . можно делать свои дела к примеру делать уроки бегать прыгать .человеку необходимо жить если он бы не жил секрет где он заболел . мне очень уютно можно всегда что делать интересные поделки аппликации .
1.Butter is made from milk. 2.The best tulips are grown in the Netherlands. 3. The Lada cars are produced in Tolyatti. 4. Warm winter sweaters are usually made of wool. 5. A.S Pushkin was born in 1799. Вопрос: 6. what pets are generally kept in cages? Каких домашних животных обычно(как правило) держат в клетках? ответ: 6. Hamsters are generally kept in cages. Хомяков обычно держат в клетках. 7. The English and the French languages are spoken in Canada. 8. The battle of Borodino was fought in 1812.
Mobile phone is the most popular thing in our lives. He is at adults and children. Person is the owner. From a mobile phone with the one hand, you can communicate with someone on the other side to send posts. When you call the phone starts to beep. adult mobile phone is needed for the job. People are getting organized. Children in the phone playing games. On the street, we have to be careful. children need to prohibit play on a cell phone on the street. Cell phone can be target for thieves. With the help of mobile phones people can to communicate over long distances. Many people depend on the phones. This is bad for health. Lack of mobile phone is that people have no time for private obschenie.Zhivotnye and people communicate using sign language, body, and sounds. Animals communicate using body language. They can communicate over long distances. People communicate with each other sounds and gestures. Every day people communicate through facial expressions.