1.Does Vlad like watching films? What does Vlad like watching? Vlad likes watching films, doesn't he? Does Vlad like watching films or pictures?
2.Did he catch a raccom yesterday? When did he catcha raccom? He caught a raccom yesterday, didn't he? Did he catch a raccom or mice yesterday? 3.Can he ride a bike? Who can ride a bike? Can he ride a bike or pony? He can ride a bike, can't he? 4.Do we play football? Who do play football? Do we play football or hockey? We play football, don't we?
Yekaterinburg (from 1924 to 1991 - Sverdlovsk) is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Ural Federal District and the Sverdlovsk Region [5]. Forms a municipal entity in the city of Yekaterinburg with the status of a city district [6]. It is the largest administrative, cultural, scientific and educational center of the Urals. Located on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, along the banks of the Iset. Founded on November 7 (November 18), 1723, as an iron works. The name is given in honor of Empress Catherine the First. Catherine II in 1781 granted Ekaterinburg the status of a district town of the Perm province. In the late XIX - early XX century, he was one of the centers of the revolutionary movement in the Urals. In the Soviet years it turned into a powerful industrial and administrative center of the country. The city made a huge contribution to the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War. The Ural Heavy Machine Building Plant was one of the largest Soviet manufacturers of armored vehicles in the war years.
I want to tell you about my childhood. As a child I loved to watch cartoons. I tried not to miss a single episode of my favorite cartoon! And if it happened that I was suddenly late, I was very upset. I also loved to play football, hide and seek and many other games in the yard with the guys. My parents told me I was a very brisk child. And now I miss my childhood very much, as the best friend who has left and will never return.
ПЕРЕВОД: Я хочу рассказать вам о своём детстве.В детстве я очень любил смотреть мультики. Я старался не пропустить ни одной серии своего любимого мультфильма! И если случалось, что я вдруг опаздывал, я очень сильно огорчался.Также я очень любил играть в футбол, в прятки и во многие другие игры во дворе с ребятами.Родители говорили мне, что я был очень бойкий ребёнок. А сейчас я очень сильно скучаю по детству, как по лучшему другу, который уехал и никогда не вернётся.
2.Did he catch a raccom yesterday? When did he catcha raccom?
He caught a raccom yesterday, didn't he?
Did he catch a raccom or mice yesterday?
3.Can he ride a bike?
Who can ride a bike?
Can he ride a bike or pony? He can ride a bike, can't he?
4.Do we play football? Who do play football? Do we play football or hockey? We play football, don't we?