1. He is a student.
2 He is not a schoolboy.
3 My name is Petrov.
4 Alice is pretty.
5Your brother is tall.
6This house is nice.
7These students are at the lesson.
8 kate is busy in the evening
.9 You are right this film is wonderful.
10Richard is tired after work.
11 They are interested in Maths.
12What is he by profession?
13 These sentences are wrong.
14 her sister is a clever girl.
15 I am fond of music.
16 he is afraid of dogs.
17 his brother is a postman.
2) If this book wan`t so expensive, Iwould buy it.
3) If we could afford going out often, we would do this.
4) If I didn`t have to work, I would meet you tomorrow.
5) If It wasn`t raining, We would have lunch outside.
6) If I wanted his advice, I would ask for it.
7) If he didn`t live near his work, He would always be late.
8) If his French was bad, He wouldn`t read French books in the original.
9) If they didn`thave a maid, they wouldn`t enjoy themselves.
10) If she didn`t go to bed early, She wouldn`t always wake up in time.
Дорогой Стюарт,
Многие люди в вашем возрасте имеют такие проблемы. Когда им нужно сменить школу и попасть в другую команду. Сначала вы должны попытаться принять себя и свою внешность. Чтобы изучать своих одноклассников, среди них обязательно должны быть хорошие люди, которые вас любят. Нет красивых людей, каждый красив по-своему. Вам обязательно стоит поговорить с кем-то из взрослых. Возможно, с вашими родителями или учителями. Неважно, кто вы есть, есть люди, которые вам понравятся, такими, какие вы есть. Постарайтесь выслушать мой совет и сделать все правильно.
1)he is a student.
2)hi is not a schoolboy
3)my name is Petrov
4)alice is pretty
5)your brother is tall
6)this house is nice
7)these students are at the lesson
8)kate is busy in the evening
9)you are right this film is wonderful
10)richard is tired after a work
11)they are intereted on methematics
12)what is he by profession?
13)this is wrong sentences
14)не знаю
15)her sister is clever
16)i am fond of music
17)he is afreid of dogs
18)his brother is a postman