I have a lot of friends. My close friends are my classmates. They are Sasha and Ruslan. My friends are easy-going.
Alexeev Sasha is from Moscow. He is 11. He likes boxing, but he also likes football too. He studies well.
Ruslan is from Moscow. He is quite well at school too. He goes in for sport. Ruslan plays hockey.
My friends are very honest, understanding and kind. We spend a lot of time together. Me like to watch videos or listen to music. We also play computer games.I think it is fine when you have friends. We understand and help each otherin difficult situation.
When a young boy, Mr Wilson used to go fishing.
When a young boy, Mr Wilson used to build sandcastles.
When a young boy, Mr Wilson used to ride a bike.
When a young boy, Mr Wilson used to drink milk.
When a young boy, Mr Wilson used to go skating.
When a young boy, Mr Wilson used to play with his dog.
When a young boy, Mr Wilson used to watch films about Indians.
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