Acid rain 1) Problem The problem starts here. Cars burn gasoline, factories and power plants burn coal and emit toxic fumes. Thus, the air that we breathe is polluted. 2) Acid rain pollution contamination is collected in the clouds with water and oxygen in the atmosphere, it becomes acid. Winds are polluted clouds over large distances, far 1) When there is rain, the pollution lands on trees, buildings, houses, cars, clothes, everywhere! It is called acid rain, 2) There are actually 'acid mist', 'snow' and 'rain and snow' in the same way! 3) Water and soil pollution When acid rain falls into lakes, streams, rivers and the sea, they become toxic. This is - water pollution, and it hurts, kills or destroys fish and plant species. When acid rain flows through the soil, it poisons the trees and plants. Acid rain 3) causes serious damage to important buildings and sites 4) Good news Good news - that the government tried to reduce the air pollution that causes acid dozhd.4) .. industries have used new technology for some time to help make the factory smoke less harmful to the environment. But we must do more! We can help reduce the amount of acid rain through 5) cars less or using solar energy to heat our homes.
У телефона есть много плюсов и минусов. Многие люди залипают в телефоне и сидят в нём часами без нужды, это очень большое минус. Также телефон испускает очень вредные излучения. Ещё один минус телефонов в том, что они очень сильно расслабляют мозг, и мы забываем про все дела. Но вот о плюсах телефона можно говорить долго, но я скажу как по моему мнению самые важные. С телефона мы можем поддерживать связь с дорогими нам людьми. Мы можем вдохновляться идеями других людей и создавать много чего. От минусов телефона можно легко избавиться, если иметь хорошую силу воли и не смотреть много телефона, но к сожалению многие люди так не умеют.(
2. had finished
3. will be discussing
4. is being cooked
5. is covered
6. visited
7. will have done
8. has arrived
9. is visited
10. will have been asked
11. was painted
12. will be written
13. receives, is
14. had caught
15. was staying
16 is reading
17. takes
18. had learnt
19. is holding
20. was laughing
21. needs
22. looked