A: Do you know how to drive? Q: Yes, I know how to drive. Do you know how to swim? A: No, I don't know how to swim. But I know how to play the guitar. Did you know? Q: No, I don't know how to play the guitar, I'm learning. Q: Do you know how to ski? I am skiing. A: No, I have never skied, I think it is not difficult to ski. Q: Make no mistake, skiing is harder than you think. Have you ever flown a plane? I'd like to go by plane. A: My father is a pilot. So I flew. Q: Flying is my dream. A: I hope you will achieve your dream.
Лондон - это замечательная столица! - London is a great capital!
Как вы думаете, Лондон красивый город? - Do you think London is a beautiful city?
Вы когда - нибудь были в Лондоне? - Have you ever been in London?
Жить в Лондоне достаточно трудно, но интересно. - Live in London is difficult, but interesting.
Эта актриса родом из Лондона. - This actress is originally from London.
В моей комнате на картине изображён Лондон. -
In my room the painting depicts London.
Лондонские девушки самые красивые! -
London girls are the most beautiful!
Лондон - моя родина. - London is my home.
Вы знаете что Лондон самый красивый город в мире? - Do you know that London is the most beautiful city in the world?