Eiffel tower was constructed by Gustave Eiffel in 1887-1889
Hello, my name is (имя). I'm a young teacher who came to this school about a year ago. And I had the first prom (пер. Выпускной вечер/бал) yesterday. It was amazing ! My children with their parents, and me also, were preparing two weeks and when it was finally done we were so happy ! We ate together, played, told different interesting stories and had fun ! I was very impressed ! I think in the future I will repeat that. I think we - children, parents and me - were united. Hope they will reach all of the goals they were all spoking about.
Как-то так.
The Eiffel Tower is a metal tower in the center of Paris, its most recognizable architectural landmark. Named after chief designer Gustave Eiffel; Eiffel himself called it simply “the 300-meter tower” (tour de 300 mètres).
The tower, which later became a symbol of Paris, was built in 1889 and was originally conceived as a temporary structure, which served as the entrance arch of the Paris World Exhibition of 1889.
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