6. выберите соответствующую форму глагола: i. 1.charlie didn’t know what ann … doing. a )is, b)has, c)was, d)would. 2. did you think you … to classes on time that day? a) will come, b)would come, c)come, d)had come. ii. 1.they expected him … at 7 o’clock. a) coming, b)come, c)came, d)to come. 2. i’d like your friend … us. a)join, b)to join, c)joining, d)join to. iii. 1.if she … exams, we are going to take a long holiday. a) pass, b)will pass, c)passing, d)passes. 2. the new in the newspaper … surprising. a) is, b)are, c)has, d)have. ч. чтение. i. balzac and the thief the famous french writer is a known as a great humorist. here is one of his stories. it happened at night, when balzac was lying in bed awake. he couldn’t sleep as it was quite light in the room because of the moonlight. suddenly balzac heard some noise and he saw a man enter his room. he moved very carefully trying not to make any noise. balzac realized that the stranger was a thief. he understood that the thief was looking for money. balzac began to laugh very loudly, but the thief did not get frightened and asked the famous writer why he was laughing. balzac told the thief that he was very sorry for him. the famous writer had no money. he often could not find a penny in his desk. the thief was very much surprised. he thought that a great writer must have a lot of money. he was disappointed and left the room at once. 1.закончите предложение в соответствии с текстом: the story describes … a) how a thief was looking for money. b) how a thief did not recognize balzac. c) how balzac met with a thief. d) the life of the famous french writer. 2.найдите информацию, которой нет в тексте: a)balzac saw a man enter his room. b)the thief asked balzac why the writer was laughing. c)there are many stories about balzac. d)the thief thought the writer had a lot of money. 3.расположите фразы, как они следуют в тексте: a)the thief was disappointed. b)balzac had no money. c)it was light in the room. d)the thief entered balzac’s room. 4.найдите правильный ответ на вопрос: why was balzac laughing? a)the thief was acting rather funny. b)balzac didn’t have any money. c)he was not afraid of the thief. d)balzac was sorry for the thief. 5.найдите правильный перевод предложения: balzac was lying in bed awake. a) проснулся, лежа в постели. b) лежал в постели и проснулся. c) лежал в постели, но не спал. d) лежал в постели и дремал.
2) had come
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