A superhero is a person who has extraordinary physical abilities that he uses for the good of mankind. Superheroes fight the evil, save peoples life and prevent catastrophes. But unfortunately it happens only in an un-real world because superheroes exist only in comics and on TV…Since the very first episode about Superman that had been released in America in 1938 every boy who read it wanted to become a superman and fight the evil. Later on such superheroes as Batman and Spiderman were created.When Marvel comics became popular a new area of superheroes began. Right now they are not single superheroes that fight the evil but groups of peo-ple with superpowers like “x-Men” and “Avengers”.Superhero’s personality has been also changed. It used to be someone highly-moral who values other people’s lives more than his own. He used to wear a costume that helped him and a mask covering his face. Nowadays superheroes still wear costumes but their personality became more complicated just like Wolverine, Iron Man and Black Widow. These superhe-roes don’t just save the world but also fight their inner demons which makes them closer to normal people.Fox example, Tony Stark and Natasha Romanova don’t have any superpowers. They only use their brain, technical innovations and their physically trained bodies. I guess it blurs the lines between the fantastic world and the reality and makes people feel like that they are also capable of he-roic deeds.
In this picture we can see the kids running! Apparently, they are participating in some kind of marathon. Or they are in a hurry to something! According to this picture, you can give different answers. Yet they run, and running is good for health! A person in his life must run. Since this kind of sport helps to control bloodbathing, gives strength, speed, energy! Now is the time to go outside and run. Since it's spring outside! We need health, sun, clean air. The most opportune moment! Is not it? Well, what then? From tomorrow, let's run together!
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