1 Where were your parents born? My parents were born in….(добавь где родились родители) 2 What time did you get up this morning? This morning I got up at 7 am 3 Have you ever met a famous person? No, I haven't 4 Do you look like your mother? Yes, I do / No, I don't (похож или не похож на маму) 5 What are you wearing at the moment? At the moment I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt. 6 How long have you been sitting in class? We have been sitting in class for 2 hours. 8. What were you doing when your mother came from work yesterday? I was doing my homework (was watching TV / playing computer games).
In the end of the meeting we at least found a logical desicion - В конце встречи, мы наконец нашли логические решение. The content of film was very strange.- Содержание фильма было очень странным. It's adviseble to save money in the different ways. - Желательно хранить деньги по разному. Responsible people are never late to the important events.- ответственные люди никогда не опаздывают на важные мероприятия. To be informed is to be armed. - Быть информированным - быть во всеоружии. Everything is possible in our life. - В нашей жизни все возможно. She had been careless and she had lost my key.-Она была беспечной и потеряла мой ключ.
in или at
2)Whose... is this ball? Harry"s.
What или Whose
3) Is it ..an armchair?