I have pets. They are goldfish. Their names are Crash and Sin. They two years. They live in a large aquarium. There is an aquarium on a table near the window in my room. I feed them a special food every day. They can swim well, but they could not speak. I like to watch the fish swimming in an aquarium. У меня есть домашние питомцы. Это золотые рыбки. Их зовут Краш и Син. Им два года . Они живут в большом аквариуме. аквариум находится на столе около окна в моей комнате. Я кормлю их специальной едой каждый день. Они умеют хорошо плавать, но они не умеют говорить. Мне нравится наблюдать за рыбками плавающими в аквариуме.
When I was 5 years old my parents gave me a cat. It was white with gray stripes, that is why I gave it a name after my favorite cartoon character - Matroskin. I grew up with my cat. We played together, Matroskin even slept in my bed with me. Once we went to the village, my cat never left the garden, but that time he got lost. I searched for a long time, but failed to find him. I cried a lot because I missed him and was frightened to imagine what happened to him. I week later our neighbors called my dad to tell us that Matroskin came back and was trying to find his masters. I have never been happier than when dad brought him back home.
[maskou] - Москва