Lucky to be alive
One nice summer Sunday day two friends went to the sandy beach to surf.
When they came there they saw a sight which said : "No Swimming - Sharks" but they ignored it and started surfing. They had surfed for a long time and they were going to swim towards the beach. Sudenly a big angry shark appeard.
The shark was really huge but its eyes were tiny and it made her look agressive and angry. They
frightened to deth and yelled. The shark swim uo to them. They started swimming faster towards the shore but the shark was swimming behind them too. One of them yelled again : " Mark! Climbe onto my board and push your towards the shark." The shark grabbed the board and tore it into pecies with it big sharp teeth in no time.
They managed to reach the shore and safety. They will never swim at the places where they must not swim since that time. Lucky to be alive.
I'm afraid there is no tea left