1 You can watch fish swimming around in tanks there.
3 You can do some shopping there. (2 words)
-shopping centre
5 You can see statues, vases, etc from ancient civilisations there.
- museum
6 You can see paintings there.
- gallery
7 This is a place where kings and queens used to live.
- castle
1 You can go on rides and play games at this type of park.
2 You can admire ruins of old buildings and ancient towns at this type of site.
- historic
4 You can walk and smell beautiful flowers in these places.
- gardens
По горизонтали:
1 Там вы можете понаблюдать за рыбами, плавающими в резервуарах.
- в аквариуме
3 Вы можете сделать там кое-какие покупки (2 слова)
- в торговом центре
5 Там вы можете увидеть статуи, вазы и т.д. древних цивилизаций.
- в музее
6 Там вы можете увидеть картины.
- в галерее
7 Это место, где раньше жили короли и королевы.
- в замке
По вертикали:
1 Вы можете покататься на аттракционах и поиграть в игры в парке такого типа.
- в парке развлечений
2 Вы можете полюбоваться руинами старых зданий и древних городов на этом типе объектов.
- в историческом
4 В этих местах вы можете гулять и вдыхать аромат прекрасных цветов.
- в садах
My mother and father are very busy people. My mom, <Имя родителя>, work as a doctor. She wake up at 7.00am and cook breakfeast for us. After that she wakes up our family and help my younger sister take water treatments. Then mom come to kitchen and ean breakfest with us. At 7.50am she dresses my sister and dresses herself. Then our father takes us to school in his car and after that take mother to her work. Then she do her wark till 8.00pm and taking the bus home. When she come home she ctarts to cook dinner. Then we eat it. Mom helps my sister to do homeworke and then we all go to bed.
My father, <Имя родителя>, work in office. I think his work is very boring. But dad is dosen't care. He starts his day just like mom so I see no reason to describe it. My description I'll start with the fact that he arrives at work. So he come at his office and go to his cabinet. He sit at his chair and turns on the computer. He starts write his reports. After that he goes to archive. He bring required documents and then come back to the cabinet. He sit and starts sign documents. He finishes his work only by 9.00pm. When he come home he see the dinner at the table. When he finishes eat it he very tired go to his bed.
It is a working day of my parents.
B) – 8) The best location
C) – 4) The Greek calendar
D) – 6) A place to visit
E) – 7) A new start
F) –1) The opening ceremony
G) – 5) A symbolic meaning
ЛИШНИЙ - 3) The Olympic team