I will be watching tv the whole day - я буду смотреть телевизор весь день
I will be sleeping at nine o'clock tomorrow -я буду спать в пять часов завтра
I will be reading a book the whole next day - я буду читать книгу весь следующий день
We will be cooking breakfast the whole morning - мы будем готовить завтрак все утро
She will be passing that test the whole monday - она будет сдавать тот тест весь понедельник
I we you they he she it - will be
Will be + verb ing + остальная часть
К глаголу добавляем ing окончание.
Длительное действие в будущем.
1. I often feel tired in the evening.
2. My brother never goes to sleep before eleven o'clock.
3. My mum is not working this week. She's on holiday.
4. My mum always wakes up first in our family.
5. My parents are shopping. They are buying some food for dinner.
6. I usually go to school by bus but I am cycling this week because I want to do some exercise.
7. My dad doesn't have a shower in the morning.
8. The people in my street often play loud music at night.
9. Sam isn't doing very well at school at the moment.
2. Our studies of natural substances in our diet also led us to chemical substance found (Participle II, определение) in the cruciferous family of vegetables.
3. Measles is a disease occurring (Participle I, определение) mostly in childhood.
4. When damaged (Participle II, обстоятельство) the glomerular epithelium becomes permeable to the blood colloids.
5. Many symptoms of allergy are apparently due to histamine released (Participle II, определение) by damaged (Participle II, определение) tissue.
6. Air containing (Participle I, определение) oxygen and carbon dioxide is breathed (Participle II, часть сказуемого) into the lungs, filling (Participle I, обстоятельство) alveoli.