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06.07.2020 10:04 •  Английский язык

до экзамена 5 часов, а пол группы только что оповестили, что на сайте вуза неправильные и нужно делать другие! боюсь теперь не успеть сделать! буду за любую i. перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. переведитепредложения на язык. обратите внимание на перевод пассивныхконструкций. 1. listen! they are shouting at each other again. 2. the sick child was sleeping when the doctor came. 3. what work will they be doing the whole day tomorrow? 4. the working of metal in some form has engaged man’s efforts 5. when we came she had made some coffee. 6. they will have completed the new bridge by the end of the year. 7. he was arrested by the police for speeding. 8. composite materials have been produced by the hot compaction methods. 9. although all metals can be produced in the powder form, only a few find wideapplications in the manufacture of pressed – metal parts. 10. these computers are being made in korea now. ii. перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальныйглагол или его эквивалент. переведите предложения на язык. 1. you should think over this suggestion. 2. george had to pay a parking fine. 3. you can investigate the effects of these rays on various materials. 4. the head engineer was to make a report yesterday. 5. very soon they will be able to test a new engine. 6. we couldn’t repair the car ourselves. we were to take it to the garage. iii. перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните participle i и participle ii иустановите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите является ли оно определением,обстоятельством или частью глагола – сказуемого. переведите предложения язык. 1. i want to have this problem solved by the computer. 2. component parts of engines, machines, devices may be produced by precision –casting techniques. 3. yesterday we heard the operator explaining to a group of students the principles ofoperation of the input section of a computer. 4. being of a nervous temperament she trembled at her enterprise. 5. when dressed, i sat a long time by the window, looking out over the silent grounds andsilvered fields. iv. прочитайте и письменно переведите следующий текст. письменно ответьте на вопросы. ecological problems since ancient times nature has served man, being the source of his life. for thousands ofyears people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural richeswere unlimited. but with the development of civilization man's interference in naturebegan to increase. large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the worldtoday. the by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, theland we grow grain and vegetables on. every year world industry pollutes the ahmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dustand other harmful substances. many cities suffer from smog. vast forests are cut andburn in.fire. their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. as a result some rare speciesof animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. the pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result ofman's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises. the most horrible ecological disaster befell ukraine and its people after the chernobyltragedy in april 1986. about 18 percent of the territory of belarus were also pollutedwith radioactive substances. a great damage has been done to the agriculture, forests andpeople's health. the consequences of this explosion at the atomic power-station are tragicfor the ukrainian, bylarussian and other nations. environmental protection is of a universal concern. that is why serious measures tocreate a system of ecological security should be taken. some progress has been already made in this direction. as many as 159 countries —members of the uno — have set up environmental protection agencies. numerousconferences have been held by these agencies to discuss problems facing ecologicallypoor regions including the aral sea, the south urals, kuzbass, donbass, semipalatinskand chernobyl. an international environmental research centre has been set up on lakebaikal. the international organisation greenpeace is also doing-much to preserve theenvironment. but these are only the initial steps and they must be carried onward to protect nature, tosave life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the futuregenerations. answer the questions: 1.how did people live for thousands of years? 2.what cities appear all over the world today? 3.what pollutes the air we breathe? 4.what is the result of the pollution the atmosphere?

1. Listen! They are shouting at each other again. (Present Cont, active)
2. The sick child was sleeping when the doctor came. (Past Cont, active)
3. What work will they be doing the whole day tomorrow? (Future Cont, active)
4. The working of metal in some form has engaged man’s efforts (Present Perfect, active)
5. When we came she had made some coffee. (Past Perfect, active)
6. They will have completed the new bridge by the end of the year. (Future Perfect, active)
7. He was arrested by the police for speeding. (Past Simple, passive)
8. Composite materials have been produced by the hot compaction methods. (Present Perfect, passive)
9. Although all metals can be produced in the powder form, only a few find wideapplications in the manufacture of pressed – metal parts. (Present Simple, passive)
10. These computers are being made in Korea now. (Present Cont, passive)

1. You should think over this suggestion.
2. George had to pay a parking fine.
3. You can investigate the effects of these rays on various materials.
4. The head engineer was to make a report yesterday.
5. Very soon they will be able to test a new engine.
6. We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We were to take it to the garage.

1. I want to have this problem solved by the computer.
2. Component parts of engines, machines, devices may be produced by precision –casting techniques.
3. Yesterday we heard the operator explaining to a group of students the principles ofoperation of the input section of a computer.
4. Being of a nervous temperament she trembled at her enterprise.
5. When dressed, I sat a long time by the window, looking out over the silent grounds andsilvered fields.
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I'll tell you about my worst weekend ever. It was the summer of 2010. My sister and I went to see my grandmother. Everything was fine. My sister spoke impolitely to my grandmother. Grandma wasn't feeling well, but she didn't tell us. Her illness was not noticeable. We stayed there for 2 weeks. I played on my phone and my sister went out with new friends. When we left, I saw my grandmother crying. I was so sorry to leave her.

After 3 weeks, my family and I found out that she was ill. She fainted in the store and was taken to the hospital. She was told that she had been seriously ill for at least 7 weeks. I remembered what she looked like when I was with her, but I didn't even think about it.

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Живем в 3х комнатной квартире я, муж, 2 сыновей несовершеннолетних и моя мама. Моя мама живет сама по себе, занимает 1 комнату, а точнее самостоятельно ведет свое хоз-во, у нее свой холодильник, посуда, телевизор и т.д. Считается ли это что в доме живут 2 семьи. Квартира купленная в браке в долях-я сын и мама. Муж в квартире прописан. А именно он и задолжал кучу денег и через суд (судебных приставов) ее взимают. Уже однажды они приходили и описывали кое что (компьютеры..) Возможно придут опять. Никакого другово жилья у нас нет, дачи и машины не имеем. Какое имущество в квартире они обязаны не трогать? А как быть с вещами мамы? У нас ведь в квартире 2 холодильника (ее и наш). И почему они в первый раз описали шкаф, в котором лежат детские вещи? разве это не предмет первой необходимости? 
Ye rfr nj nfr
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