Жизнь сделана из небольших вещей.
Он, кто рождается дурак, никогда не вылечивается.
Деньги, потраченные на мозг, никогда не тратятся напрасно.
Птица известна ее примечанием, человеком ее разговором.
Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу тебе, кто ты.
Имя скорее потеряно, чем выигранный.
Life is made of small things.
He who is born the fool, never recovers.
The money spent for a brain, is never spent in vain.
The bird is known for her note, the person her conversation.
Tell me who your friend, and I will tell you who you are.
The name is rather lost, than won.
This by very important for me.In Ukraine education is obligatory for children to 16 years.does Talk for English please.You-teacher?It is not,I work as a specialist on IT technologies.I live in a center Moscow,and he lives not far from me.Walls in this room yellow.There are not requiring payment school in our town.This student does not visit lesson.In a school year 2 semesters.He does not know physics.Read this text.It is a famous college.