Dear grandma and grandpa, nowadays a lot of people have such a gadget as a computer. The computers are so useful and help people. It has already become a part of a smart person's life. We use computers more about 2 hours a day because it helps us to communicate and find some new information. Some of us use them more than 6 hours a day. Jobs of some people are directly connected with computers. Accountants and programmers cannot work without computers. They create some programs and apps for people using new technologies. And then people use the apps in real life almost every day. Students do homework using computers. It is quite usual for us. Also, games which are created for computers are popular. Teens play computer games and it leads to reducing tensions and unplugging from daily routine. That is why we even cannot imagine our lives without computers. They are very important for teenagers and young people.
Dear grandma and grandpa, nowadays a lot of people have such a gadget as a computer. The computers are so useful and help people. It has already become a part of a smart person's life. We use computers more about 2 hours a day because it helps us to communicate and find some new information. Some of us use them more than 6 hours a day. Jobs of some people are directly connected with computers. Accountants and programmers cannot work without computers. They create some programs and apps for people using new technologies. And then people use the apps in real life almost every day. Students do homework using computers. It is quite usual for us. Also, games which are created for computers are popular. Teens play computer games and it leads to reducing tensions and unplugging from daily routine. That is why we even cannot imagine our lives without computers. They are very important for teenagers and young people.
1. using 2. generating 3. utilizing 4. converting 5.using, promising
1. Uchenyy dokazal swoy experiment izmeniv temperaturu reakcii.
2. Mendeleev sumel raspolojit himicheskie elementy w tablice po ih atomnomu vesu.
3. Nacionalnye programmy mnogih stran byli nacelenny na ispolzowanie sistemy tipaтокамак (разновидность термоядерного реактора).
4.kompyutery sposobny wypolnyat ogromnoe kolichestwo operaciy.
1. Centr moskowskogo televideniya raspolojennyy w Ostankino- samyy bolshoy w Rossii.
2. w proshlom godu byl sowershen ogromnyy progress w oblosti gorodskogo radio i teleweshaniya.
3. rasshifrowywaya, informaciya iz kosmosa stanowica bolee dostupnoy dlya uchenyh.
5. kamen uderjiwaemyy w wozduhe otlichaetsya ot kamnya lejashego na Zemle.