Сэнди: Привет, Энн. Как твои дела?
Энн: О, привет, Сэнди. Что ты здесь делаешь? Покупаешь одежду?
Сэнди: Нет, я ищу подарок для Анджелы, но у меня не очень получается.
Энн: Давай найдем ей что-нибудь вместе .
Сэнди: Хорошо. Есть идеи ?
Энн: Как насчет сумки?
Сэнди: Хорошая идея. Она любит сумки. Что ты думаешь об этой синей?
Энн: Она хорошая, но я думаю, что немного дороговата.
Сэнди: Наверное, ты права. А как насчет этих шарфов?
Энн: Она не носит шарфы. Подожди-ка! Вот! Эти топы великолепны. Да и они продаются за полцены. Тебе нравится вот этот?
Сэнди: Великолепно. Зеленый цвет подходит цвету её глаз.
Энн: Тогда покупай его.
1. Sandy wants to buy a present for Angela.
2. Ann offers to find her something together.
3. They aren't buying the blue bag because the bags are a bit expensive.
4. Angela doesn't wear scarves.
5. Sandy decides to buy a green top because it's gorgeous and it matches the colour of Angela's eyes. (Besides, tops aren't expensive, they are half price.)
ответ: Hello, Jane
I am glad to read a letter from you. We have English speaking club at school. I attend it but it isn't my hobby. One of my hobbies is reading. If a book is interesting I can read all day long. I know this hobby isn't popular nowadays among teenagers. The second my hobby is hip-hop. I go to the dance studio and study this modern dance. Most of my classmates like listening to modern music. Some of them go to the different sport clubs.
That's all by now.
Write me as soon as you can
Yours ...
2. The work will be finished today.
3. The letter was received yesterday.
4. Show me where the bridge is being built in your town.
5. I have just been offered an interesting job.
6. A very important question was being discussed at that moment and everyone was listening attentively.
7. Were you invited to the evening party?
8. When I came to the University, no exams had been passed by them.
9. The streets should be crossed...(не уверена, как дальше)
10. He did everything he had been asked.