Ladybug is a little bright and very beautiful beetle. They can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are able to give some orange liquid - “milk”. That's why they're called ladybugs!
Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybirds.
Ladybugs are very useful to humans. They eat aphid and save the whole farmers' fields. Some farmers specially bred ladybirds in their fields and make special houses where bugs can live comfortably in winter.
Божья коровка - это маленький яркий и очень красивый жук. Они умеют летать. Они бывают красными, желтыми и оранжевыми. Они умеют давать оранжевую жидкость - “молочко”. Вот почему они зовутся коровками! Это молочко едкое и отвратительно пахнет, поэтому божьих коровок никто не ест. Божья коровка очень полезна для человека. Она ест тлю и целые поля фермеров. Некоторые фермеры специально разводят божьих коровок на своих участках и устраивают специальные домики, где жучки могут комфортно перезимовать.
Moreover, the essential drawback of these meals is that they contain too much saturated animal fats, which put a heavy load on the liver, contribute to hypertension, vascular occlusion and building up cholesterol plaques.
For reasons of economy, fast-food establishments use cheap fat substitutes called margarines which are especially dangerous because they contain trans fats that are harmful for heart and even, according to some reports, causing cancer.
According to WHO, the safe usage of trans fats for a man is less than 1% of the total meal, while the portion of French fries contains 30-40% of such fats.