1. Я читала глянцевый журнал в 7 часов вчера. (to read)
2. Мы обсуждали наши гороскопы, когда мой друг позвонил мне. (to discuss, to call)
3. Мы сплетничали о знаменитостях целый день вчера. (to gossip)
4. Я болтала с подругой по телефону, когда мама вошла в комнату. (to natter, to come into the room).
5. В 8 часов вечера я ужинал с семьей. (to have dinner)
6. Полчаса назад я все еще пек торт. Сейчас он уже готов! (to cook, to be ready)
7. Когда я шел на работу, я встретил старого друга. (to go, to meet)
8. Я услышал странный шум, когда смотрел телевизор. (to hear, t
ответ:приветик бро
1.The rule
explained by the teacher at the last lesson (was understood) by all of
us. 2. The poem was so beautiful that it (was learnt) by everybody. 3. I hope
the invitation will be accepted by everybody. 4. The letter (will be post) in half
an hour. 5. It seems to me that music (is heard) from the next room. 6. At the
last competition the first prize (was won) by our team. 7. The question
(was settled) as soon as they arrived. 8. Soon he (will be sent) to a
sanatorium. 9. The book (will be discuss) at the next conference. 10. Yesterday
he (was told) to prepare a speech. 11. The article (was published) last week,
if I am not mistaken. 12. The lecture (was attended) by all of us
yesterday. 13. A taxi (was called) fifteen minutes ago, so we are expecting
it any moment. 14. The young man ( was introduced) to me only a couple of
hours ago, but it seems to me that I've known him for years.
Объяснение:учител дал 5
– I'd like some salad for a start.
– I can you suggest you a meat or fish salad or a sausage with green peas.
– Okay, I'll have a sausage first, and then some cabbage soup with sour cream.
– I recommend you to take a beefsteak for the second course. It's delicious.
– OK. And a little orange juice, please.
– Would you like some wine?
– No, thank you. A cup of coffee and a cake.