Russians are very proud of their history of space exploration. The Soviet Union was the first country to launch a satellite and send animals and people into space.
In 1957, the first artificial satellite Sputnik-1 was set into space. Later the same year, a dog named Laika became the first animal to travel into space. In 1960,the world-famous dogs, Belka and Strelka, made another space trip and came back safe and sound.
In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel into space.
Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space in 1963. She went round the Earth 48 times and spent almost three days in space.
Nowadays Russia continues to explore space and work together with other countries on international space еxploration.
France "Франция"
If you want to see the Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysees, you should go to France. There are many countries in the world, but non like this one. It is not only the largest country in Europe, but also one of the most interesting places in the world.
Its capital city Paris is considered to be the city of love. Millions of people would like to visit this romantic and charming city. Apart from Paris with its numerous landmarks, France is associated with magnificent manors – the so-called chateaux, its culinary wonders, style and fashion, legendary perfumes.
Если вы хотите увидеть Эйфелеву башню и Елисейские поля, вас следует поехать во Францию. В мире есть много стран, но, ни одна не похожа на эту. Это не только самая большая страна в Европе, но и одно из интереснейших мест в мире.
Ее столица, город Париж, считается городом любви. Миллионы людей хотели бы посетить этот романтический и очаровательный город. Помимо Парижа с его многочисленными достопримечательностями, Франция ассоциируется с великолепными усадьбами – так называемыми шато, своими кулинарными изысками, стилем и модой, легендарной парфюмерией