There will be no more annual appraisal
Question 2
He left a note on my desk saying he would be late for the meeting.
Question 3
Being a manager entails note responsibility to other members of staff.
Question 4
A premium is the money that a person pays to an insurance company to protect against loss or damage.
Question 5
A target
is objective, total which it is desired to reach.
Question 6
A mortgage
is the money which a building society or bank lends to someone to buy a house.
Question 7
A dividend
is the amount of money that goes to a shareholder.
Question 8
Have you got a buyer for your house yet?
Question 9
She paid for her college ___ fee by taking a part-time job as a waitress.
Question 10
A deposit
is a part-payment of money which you make to stop the seller from selling his goods to others.
Question 11
I need some change
for the coffee machine.
Question 12
is profit on an investment or undertaking.
Question 13
A proprietor is the owner.
Question 14
Income tax is __ related to one's annual income.
Question 15
Баллов: 1
is money charged or paid for the use of money.
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Question 16
Баллов: 1
We will give everyone ___ in-house
training at least twice a year.
Выберите один ответ.
Question 17
Баллов: 1
Their company’s prices are better than any of their competitors .
Выберите один ответ.
Question 18
Баллов: 1
Sometimes when you have a very difficult choice to make, flipping a ___ coin
really helps.
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Question 19
Баллов: 1
___ is money taken in business; receipts.
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Question 20
It costs $10 if you're paying cash . It'll be more if you pay by cheque.
To start with, I usually woke up at 7 o'clock. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and comb my hair. After that I eat my breakfast. On breakfasts I prefer scrambled eggs. Then I put on my school uniform and go to school.
By the way, I live not so far from school but still I do my best to come earlier to meet my friends.
As for me, I usually have 7 classes every day. There are a lot of subjects on my timetable but my favourite one is Maths.
I usually return home at 3 o'clock and have dinner. After eating my dinner, I have some rest after school. While I am resting, I enjoy watching TV. Then I start doing my homework.
Moreover, my parents come back from work at 6 o'clock and we have supper together. Sometimes I ask my mother to help me with homework if there are any problems.
Unfortunately, I have little free time because of my classes. My family and I can go th the theatre or to the cinema only on weekends.
That's all I wanted to say. Thanks you for listening.
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What are Misha's interests?