Hello, you witnessed a fire in London?
Hi, yes, I am.
My name is Jane, I'm a reporter for the newspaper "News of the Week
My name is Helen, nice to meet you.
Me too. You tell me in detail about the incident.
Of course, it was awful London house as if flushed. The fire broke out quickly. It was horrible. Some people pogili, but many were saved. And me too. I was terribly afraid. But I managed.
Thank you, Helen, and you do not know who was responsible for the fire?
No, no one knows, all very interesting!
Okay, thanks for the interview before the meeting.
Goodbye to Jane.
Здравствуйте, вы были свидетелем пожара в лондоне?
Привет, да , это я.
Меня зовут Джейн, я репортёр газеты "Новости недели
Меня зовут Хелен, приятно познакомится.
Мне тоже. Вы расскажите мне подробно о том проишествие.
Конечно, это было ужасно Лондонский дом как будто бы вспыхнул. Пожар разгорелся быстро. Это было ужасно. Некоторые люди погили, но многих удалось И меня тоже. Мне было ужасно страшно. НО я справилась Хелен, а вы не знаете кто был виновником пожара?
Нет, никто не знает, всем очень интересно!
Хорошо за интервью, до встречи.
До свидания Джейн
My Favourite Band
There are a lot of people who say that they like music. As for me, I think I cannot live without it. I listen to different genres of music, different performers, but my absolute favourite music band is Imagine Dragons, which is an American rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada.
I remember hearing one of their songs – Radioactive – on the radio a few years ago, and I loved the song immediately. So I searched it on the Internet and then I started to listen to all of the songs by this fantastic band. I started collecting information on them, and now I know that the band consists of the lead vocalist Dan Reynolds, lead guitarist Wayne Sermon, bassist Ben McKee and drummer Daniel Platzman. I have seen all their live performances on the Web and my biggest dream is to get to their concert.
I believe Imagine Dragons deserve a lot of recognition and are a gem of the music industry. Their impact on my life has been really great. Their songs have become my best support when my life
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