Summer is absolutely my favourite time of the year. That's why there are plenty of reasons why I love summer. Firstly, the weather is always warm in the summer, because of it, people are able to spend their free time outside, and, as we know, it is very good for our health.The other point is absence of school or any other necessary classes. Summer is the time, when we can relax. Due to a big amount of free time, we can do something, what we really enjoy. As for me, I adore drawing. This is what I love to do in the summer. In my opinion, it is a good oportunity to practise your skills and etc. The other big advantage of summer time is the narure. It is so beautiful and green in this period of year. However, in my opinion, nothing is perfect. As for me the big disadvantage of summer time is appearing of insects. May be someone loves it, but not me. The other point, I don't like about summer is allergy and other illnesses, which appears only in this period. But in the other hand, becuse of free time, you can take care of yourself. I mean, to survey your body and your health, for example. Or to take some extra classes, As for me, I try to start something new every summer. For example:last summer I started learning Italian and swimming. This is a great oportunity to find out what you really enjoy doing, So, in conclusion, I can sum up everything I have already told: summer is the best season.
English is the most popular language in the world. There are 300 million native speakers. It’s the native language of such countries as Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. There are 300 million people who use English as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language. I think English is so popular because it is very important in different parts of our life. It is the language of science, aviation, sales, computing, diplomacy, and tourism. Millions of people nowadays go to language schools and learn English. I learn English, because I understand that I can use it. I like to travel so when I go to another country I'll be able to speak English with other people. I can ask the way if I am lost, I can order food in a restaurant or I can make friends with foreigners. I also can read foreign magazines and newspapers in the original. If I know English well, I'll be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the original. Now we buy many clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. English also helps to communicate with children from other countries on the Internet. If you learn English you will have a better chance of getting a job that pays more in your future.