завтрак: на завтрак я очень люблю кушать бутерброды с чаем. Также можно было бы кашу, но я не очень ее люблю.обед: я много чего люблю покушать, но больше всего я люблю макароны. На обед вчера я ела суп с грибами, очень вкусно.ужин: на ужин я много чего могу скушать, к примеру марковь, помидор, но чаще всего я ем яблоко, оно полезное и очень вкусное. Так же вечером я могу выпить чаю с печеньем. Breakfast: breakfast I like to eat sandwiches and tea. One could also mess, but I do not really love her.Lunch: I love to eat a lot of things, but most of all I love pasta. At lunch yesterday I ate soup with mushrooms, very tasty.Dinner: For dinner I can eat a lot of things, for example carrots, tomatoes, but more often I eat an apple, it is useful and very tasty. The same evening I can have tea and biscuits. Могу больше , но за не охото
1) Jack is a perfect gentleman. He has always been like that. 2) A low territory between two mountains or hills is a valley. 3) You can't cross the border without a passport. 4) She was wearing a thin gold chain round her neck. 5) The Great Plains stretch to the east of the Rocky Mountains. 6) The Volga flows from the Valdai Hills to the Caspian Sea. 7) Did the river flow into the sea?- — No, it didn't. It flowed into the lake. 8) Llilies-of-the-valley are my favourite spring flowers. 9) The sandy coasts of California are popular with tourists and holidaymakers. 10) Are there any plains in this hilly part of the country?