1) Lifestyle: city / country living /
2) Reading / genres / favourite genres / why / writers / books / paper / gadgets reading
3) My hero / the person I admire /
4) Healthy food / kind of food / your favourtite dish / why / traditions in cooking and eating / Russian and British
cooking traditions / receipt
5) Computers, the Internet / for and against
6) Travelling / my best holidays / ways of travelling / why / new tendencies in travelling
7) Sport / sport fan / sportsman / my favourite sport / like / dislike
8) Hobbies / what / why / your achievements
9) Environment / are you “green”? / kinds of pollution / the most dangerous / natural habitats
10) Education in Russia / the system of education / types of school / our school.
Yagffdg1 3 часа назад
1 I
(took) a taxi from the airport to the city centre.
2 We
(walked) to the park and then we
(played) tennis.
3 A:
(was your meal) good?
B: No, it
(was not). I
(dont like) the vegetables.
4 The man in the shop
(said) something to the woman, but she (didnt hear) hir
5 I
(rang) the doorbell and a woman
(opened) the door.
6 I
(wrote) a letter to a friend, and then I
(posted) it.
7 A:
(Did you understand) the film?
B: No. 1
(tried) to understand it, but the actors
(spoke) very quickly.
8. He
(did not go) to school last Tuesday. He
(was) ill.
9 A:
(Did you buy some clothes at the market?
B: Yes, I
bought a pair of trousers and a shirt
10 A:
(Did you enjoy) the festival?
(not/rain) and the music
B: Yes. It
(was) very good.
уберите только все скобки, а в 10 что то не правильно написано, или пропущено или не понятно:10 A:
(not/rain) and the music
I have got good friends.
They have got a nice bird and a very nice girl. (это предложение правильно переписала?)
I am very happy.
I have got a dear friend.
We are from Kansas.
It is in the USA.