Махачкала является крупным туристским и лечебно-оздоровительным центром. Благодаря тёплому климату и благоприятной геомагнитной обстановке, вблизи Махачкалы расположилось большое количество санаториев и лечебных центров. Махачкала расположена на узкой полосе низменной равнины западного побережья Каспийского моря между горой Тарки-Тау и морем, которая в далеком называлась «дагестанским коридором». Сегодня Махачкала — это крупнейший город российского Северного Кавказа и одноимённого федерального округа, культурный, экономический и научный центр Юга России. Махачкала – единственный незамерзающий морской порт России на Каспии.
1.What homework was set for the Korean language. 2.Journalists were told about this the day before the start of the championship. 3.This news was just broadcasted on the radio. 4.I asked what kind of exercise we had for homework. 5.He said that he stole the documents. 6.We explained the new rule and dictated a few examples. 7.Unfortunately this dictionary is already sold out. 8.A telegram just sent so it is unlikely that it will be delivered by the end of the day. 9.Why is it so cold? Tal just aired. 10.Don't remember when the agreement was signed?
1.What homework was set for the Korean language. 2.Journalists were told about this the day before the start of the championship. 3.This news was just broadcasted on the radio. 4.I asked what kind of exercise we had for homework. 5.He said that he stole the documents. 6.We explained the new rule and dictated a few examples. 7.Unfortunately this dictionary is already sold out. 8.A telegram just sent so it is unlikely that it will be delivered by the end of the day. 9.Why is it so cold? Tal just aired. 10.Don't remember when the agreement was signed?