both “kindly” and “please” can be used as adverbs as in , “ please finish this task today itself” (which is formal and no emotions involved) or, “ kindly recommend me for a suitable promotion in my next appraisal” (which is semi-formal, with a strong emotional note.) in corporate and business circles, “please” is the preferred choice whereas in social interactions, “kindly” is preferred more often.
“kindly” can also be used as an adjective ( e.g. she is a kindly old lady) whereas “please” cannot be used in the role of an adjective.
“please” can also be used as a verb ( e.g. please yourself with a sumptuous breakfasts) whereas “"kindly” cannot be used as a verb.
“please” use the word “kindly” when you want to express your “meaning” plus your “feeling” !
1 four subjects (4 предметов): Mathematics, Chemistry, History, Geography.
2 five members of a family (5 членов семьи): a sister, a mother, an uncle, a grandfather, an aunt.
3 five colours (5 цветов): blue, green, burgundy, lilac, pink.
4 five food/drink items (5 названий еды\напитков) : juice, water, chicken, sandwich, cucumber.
5 three things you can find in your room (3 вещи, которые можно найти в вашей комнате): a bed, a desk, a bookshelf.
6 three animals that have got four legs (3 животных с 4 ногами): a cat, a cow, a horse.
7 three things you can find in a kitchen (3 вещи, которые можно найти на кухне): an oven, a fridge, a dining table.
8 three activities you can do in the evening (3 задания, которые вы можете делать вечером): play football, do homework, watch TV